City-Galerie, Willy-Brandt-Platz

How one (no two, three) creative expression leads to another...
Had been playing for a while before a gentleman approached me and gave me his standing-up-made drawing of me.
Next to being grateful for it, I now face the facts of getting old, fattish and grumpy.... You know what, I can live with it :-D
Oh and '16 is just to be considered creative freedom, I guess...
Thanks again sir (who ever you are)!
Pianotune // May 8, 2017 um 10:39 pm
The "OKTOPUS" piano in the mall was the only open piano today, all 9 others closed due to the rain. Here's a nice You - Tensharp version from one of many fellow-players.
Pianotune // May 8, 2017 um 9:13 pm
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Der rote Oktopus beim Pre-Opening! Ab heute ist er in der City-Galerie zu finden!
Clara // May 7, 2017 um 7:55 pm