Pianos in Blackburn:

Pianos in Burnley:

St James Street Bandstand

13 stories & pictures about “St James Street Bandstand”

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  1. O'Hooley & Tidow - a folk duo from Huddersfield ventured into Burnley Town Centre, to be the last performers of the "Play Me, I'm Yours" Street Pianos project. It rained, but it was a truly memorable experience!
  2. Anthony playing this morning
  3. We have been running our Clarets Creative project (www.claretscreative.com) in the LET shop (Liberate Empty Terrain) opposite the bandstand in Burnley, when we heard some beautiful playing!
  4. Elton John's "Rocket Man" played by Oli Dickinson, at the St James Street bandstand.
  5. ..

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