Canada Place Retail
‘The Gingerbread Piano’ created by Serena Montesissa. This piano has been donated to Oxford House in Bethnal Green.
Canary Wharf
Retired Pianos
- Adams Plaza (14)
- Canada Place Retail (19)
- Canada Place: Montgomery Walk (16)
- Chancellor Passage: under DLR Bridge, nr Post Office (21)
- Churchill Retail: near Ideas Store (18)
- Crossrail Place: Everyman Cinema Upper Lobby (11)
- Crossrail Place: West End Lobby, 1st floor (62)
- Crossrail Place: near Poncho 8 (6)
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Raymon Wilhelm // Sep 5, 2021 at 1:16 am
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Thus was a shot taken when I visited London 2weeks ago. It was amazing using art to gauge interaction and communication between people
Thompson Ukpebor // Nov 1, 2015 at 8:01 pm
Report this commentImprovising at one of the pianos in Canary Wharf, part of Play me, I'm yours. This piano, featuring a gingerbread map of the district in London, was located in Canada Place.
streetpiano // Oct 26, 2015 at 3:31 pm
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Well I've played a few streetpianos along the way, but this might be the most delicate and outstandingly gorgious artwork I've ever seen! Deep respect to the artist! What a level of detail in the geographical map and the building structure, wow....!
Dear people from Canary Wharf. I know you're all busy and stuff, but I sincerely hope you all allow yourself some time to enjoy the pianos, both as artworks and as instruments. The kids will show you the way, no doubt, they love the pianos as anywhere else around the globe...
Pianotune // Sep 28, 2015 at 12:22 pm
Report this comment10 pianos played, 12 visited .. A wonderful day with a breakfast at Poplar Cafe .. Now time for a Wrenbury Cider .. ' An Orchard In Your Glass.'
paul // Sep 27, 2015 at 11:33 am
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Lovely aerial view - great place to watch and take photos.
streetpiano // Sep 15, 2015 at 6:48 pm
Report this commentTalented pianist playing an amazing Ginger Bread piano
streetpiano // Sep 15, 2015 at 6:50 pm
Canary Wharf