Centre commercial du Lignon
Ville de Genève
Un petit tour à la Place du 150ème, Place de l'Octroit et au Centre Commercial du Lignon pour enregistrer une version piano de "Closed Eyes" http://www.facebook.com/loominarypop .
Loominary Pop // Jun 30, 2012 à 2:55 am
Signalez ce commentaireA pleasant surprise to find a piano outside the Lignon Shopping Centre. It was standing alone and just as I was thinking that it would be fun if someone came along to bring it to life, it happened. It was a delightful moment. This gentleman stopped to play before entering the Centre. Then when he had finished his shopping, returned to the piano and entertained passers by for about 20 minutes. A big thank you to all who made this project possible, to the pianist who took time to play and to the City of Geneva. My only regret is that I didn't film more of his performance.
Le Lignon
Loominary Pop // Jun 30, 2012 à 2:55 am