Parc des Franchises
Ville de Genève
Communes Rive Droite
Communes Rive Gauche
Communes Campagne
piano in the park in Geneva for anyone to play. There's always someone playing. I have seen children, young adults and very experienced adults as well. It's soooo nice to listen to people playing, even if they are just fooling around. Aiko absolutely loves it. We always have to stay watching and listening to them as she's says: "muca" (music) and she ALWAYS says "bravo!" at the end, clapping. Such a motivator! All it says on the piano is: "Play me, I'm yours". The project started in 2008 and there are more than 1,300 pianos in over 46 cities worldwide.
Via Instagram
Tauli Furuiti // Jun 20, 2015 à 8:14 am
Signalez ce commentairebonjour, je trouve sympas l'idée, mais serait il possible de le déplacer vers de l'ombre.
Fabio tedde // Jun 23, 2015 à 4:34 pm