Parc des Bastions
Heures d’ouverture 24h/24. Décoré par Adrienne Barman.
Ville de Genève
Communes Rive Droite
Communes Rive Gauche
Communes Campagne
A video of "This year's love" on the piano in Parc des Bastions. Also including clips and pictures of some of the other pianos of "Jouez, je suis à vous" that I played in Greater Geneva last spring :).
Rhea Elise // Jan 3, 2017 à 6:45 pm
Signalez ce commentaireGenève, le 17 juin 2016. Fête de la musique, ambiance au parc des Bastions. © Frank Mentha
Tribune de Genève // Jun 18, 2016 à 10:53 am
Signalez ce commentaireUne petite fille attiré par la musique
Joe guitare // Jun 15, 2016 à 9:19 am
Signalez ce commentaire#Piano #Parcdesbastion #Geneve #Street
Letícia Mattos // Jun 14, 2016 à 9:27 am
Signalez ce commentaireThis is the best piano of Jouez, je suis à vous 2016 I played so far. Beautiful warm sound, nice touch, and a pleasant place to play :). Today I'll go back to that piano and try to find some of the other pianos as well. Send me a message if you'd like to meet up :).
Yesterday I had nice encounters with people, like Julie, who recorded this video, and Renaud, who invited me to go out for dinner afterwards (and then joined me for a few songs at the piano again).
Letícia Mattos // Jun 14, 2016 à 9:27 am