Parc des Bastions
Ville de Genève
Communes Rive Droite
Communes Rive Gauche
Communes Campagne
Piano Voyageur - seulement pour les concerts
Un trio pour le bonheur de tous. Et il fait chaud comme à midi. Il est 22h30.
loguiraud_foto // Jun 21, 2017 à 2:31 pm
Signalez ce commentaireThough I'm not sure if I can make it this year, I'd love to come and play the pianos around Geneva again :). Last year there was an amazingly designed piano in Parc des bastions, which I played multiple times in the days I visited the city. In my tour of the pianos I also enjoyed playing in some other locations, including Nyon. I made this video montage to share my trip with you. Thank you for organizing this project!
Rhea Elise // Jun 18, 2017 à 11:52 pm
Signalez ce commentaireDans le parc des Bastions et son allée centrale toute neuve
loguiraud_foto // Jun 21, 2017 à 2:31 pm