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Friends Cafe, Plaza Colon


Having fun!

StreetPianos // Mar 5, 2014 en 11:29 am
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Muy buena idea la dl Alcalde el mostral el intereses a la musica con los Pianos

krisiel rivera // Feb 25, 2014 en 8:37 am
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Daniel Santiago // Feb 22, 2014 en 7:30 pm
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02/17/2014 Friends Café, Mayagüez PR

Carlos Alberto García // Feb 18, 2014 en 3:23 am
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") // Feb 17, 2014 en 1:58 am
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I watched this man play and sing. The only person nearby was a lady in the cafe, and after a while she was entranced, as if his song was specifically for her. After the finished, they talked and introduced themselves. She explained there were several pianos across town. With a bounce in his step, he skipped down the road to find the next street piano of Mayaguez, Puerto Rico.

Finder // Feb 15, 2014 en 8:39 am
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They were having a great time!

finder // Feb 12, 2014 en 2:43 pm
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Me lo hubiese llevado para mi casa!!

Gerald L. Santiago // Feb 11, 2014 en 10:26 pm
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Heyden Morales Santiago // Feb 11, 2014 en 2:18 pm
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