Play Me, I'm Yours
Omaha: 2013
Touring internationally since 2008, Play Me, I’m Yours is an artwork by artist Luke Jerram. More than 900 pianos have now been installed in 36 cities across the globe, from New York to Sydney, bearing the simple invitation Play Me, I’m Yours.
Omaha Creative Institute placed 10 street pianos throughout Omaha and Council Bluffs in public locations, including parks, landmarks, a pedestrian bridge, shopping centers and more from August 23 – September 8 2013. Everyone had full access to play the pianos, which were designed and decorated by local artists. The street pianos that were still in working order at the end of the installation have been donated to local community groups, not-for-profits and educational facitlies. We are delighted to announce that Omaha Entertainment & Arts Award have awarded OCI Best Public Art for Play Me, I’m Yours 2013 at the 8th Annual OEA Awards!
This website was made for the public to share photos, videos and comments about the project with the aim of documenting each piano’s journey, it connects the pianos and their neighborhoods across the metro and acts as a legacy for the artwork. Choose a piano location to view films, photos, and comments.
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As part of an international experiment Omaha artists decorate pianos, which are then rolled out around the city, resulting in impromptu street concerts with all types of music. We feature some of these performances--some good, some not so good and learn how this unique project brings a mix of music and art directly to the people.
March 5th. 10:26amLocation: Lewis and Clark Landing (base of pedestrian bridge)
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Josiah BibleName John
"Mother and Daughter"
September 20th. 10:33amLocation: Memorial Park, South Stairs
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My son Robin just doing a little improv.
September 11th. 14:46pmLocation: Tree of Life Sculpture (24th & L Sts)
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Bob Bosco
a very balanced yoga posture is sustained, while the artist holds the microphone for the pianist/singer - what an grand evening it was
September 11th. 04:56amLocation: ConAgra Foods Plaza (10th & Farnam Sts)
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Bob Bosco
even more yoga in front of the yoga piano - at dusk
September 11th. 04:54amLocation: ConAgra Foods Plaza (10th & Farnam Sts)
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Bob Bosco
yoga in front of the yoga piano
September 11th. 04:53amLocation: ConAgra Foods Plaza (10th & Farnam Sts)
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