Found this piano today in a bit of a state. It gets locked in the evenings to prevent people being disturbed at night from the music late at night.
Some one last night was so desperate to play it they ripped off the keyboard cover. The piano still works fine but its looking a bit sad now... :- (
Anonymous // Sep 5, 2010 at 1:46 am
Amazing! You guys make downtown so much more enjoyable.
DeeDee // Sep 3, 2010 at 4:24 pm
The employees of the State office building appreciate the piano relocation! At lunch today we were entertained by a very talented, pony-tailed young man. Whoever you are, we would LOVE IT, if you could please return. There were a number of us on the 2nd floor balcony enjoying your music. You don't know what a wonderful break it was for us!
Some one last night was so desperate to play it they ripped off the keyboard cover. The piano still works fine but its looking a bit sad now... :- (
Thank you, and please come back!