
This is a space for you to promote and advertise your events/performances around the pianos.

The pianos can’t be ‘booked’ as such, so if someone’s playing the piano when you arrive please wait until it’s free to play.

Scroll down this page to add your event!


Events for the Heuvelstraat-Nieuwlandstraat piano

Concert Marten Noorduin (Conservatorium)

Mon 12th September: 4pm

Piano: Heuvelstraat-Nieuwlandstraat

Concert Martin Oei (Conservatorium)

Wed 14th September: 4pm

Piano: Heuvelstraat-Nieuwlandstraat

Concert Tom Hoornweg (Conservatorium)

Thu 15th September: 4pm

Piano: Heuvelstraat-Nieuwlandstraat

openbare repetitie

Thu 15th September: 8:15pm

Piano: Heuvelstraat-Nieuwlandstraat

Posted by: De Windh

OPENBARE OUTDOOR REPETITIE van Vocaal Ensemble DE WINDH (Koor van het jaar 2010 /2011).

Diverse liederen uit Delirium Cordis en Pierlala zullen gerepeteerd worden, onder andere ter voorbereiding voor het concert met Magogo op 23 september 2011/ 13 april 2012.

Add your own event:

Fill in all the details below, click "add event", then check your email - you must click the link you'll get in your email to publish your event.

To keep pianos free for all to enjoy, if there are already 3 events for a piano on a given day then you won't be able to add another event for that piano on that day.

/ / 2011
